Throughout the different territories comprising Wallmapu, we find a diversity of activities that change according to the area in which you are located. For example, sea cuisine from the Lafkenche area is based on seafood. Cuisine from the valleys, Wenteche area, is based on a great variety of cereals, while people in the highlands, the Pewenche, base their diet on the seeds or pine-nuts of the Araucaria tree.
The diversity offered to tourists is because in a small geographic area there are different landscapes and ways of life. Everything is relatively close and accessible. From Temuco, which is the main city, a trip to the sea takes 90 minutes as well as the closest volcano, which is also at 90 minutes. The closest lake is one hour away, and hot springs 2 hours away. It’s a magical place that concentrates many attractions, because at short distances you can enjoy many things. If you visit Wallmapu, you will find different landscapes, and a culture that will show you their main characteristics and values. Currently, the Mapuche people have organised themselves collectively and individually to offer a series of services and products to transform all visitors arriving to Wallmapu, where each territory delights with colours, flavours, knowledge and stories, transmitted trough generations. Around the fireplace, the Mapuche ancestors (kuyfikeche) transmitted what they parents left them: epew and gülam, a practice that is being recovered by new generations.
It is located around the Pacific Ocean and Budi Lake (the only salted lake in South America). The type of houses is associated to the Lafkenche ruka (house), thatched with küna (local vegation). Its main characteristic is the fireplace in the middle of the house, where family gathers as well as guests (witxan).
The Lafkenche cuisine is mainly characterised by sea produces, such as seashells, fish and seaweed, as well as wild berries added to provide a unique flavour. Potatoes are locally farmed for the Lafkenche cuisine. This territory fulfils most of the demand in Chile.
In the Lafkenche territory there are several recreational activities associated to the surrounding areas, such as boat trips, trips on wampo (traditional means of transport on water), visits to the island in Budi Lake, palin games (ancestral Mapuche game), trips on carts and museums. There are trips on boats to watch wild birds, where photography can be successfully practised. The black-necked swan is one of the most recognised birds in the territory. Hiking can be performed trough wetlands and by several beaches by the sea. All of this together with the historical accounts, mythologies, and legends. It is worth mentioning that there are narratives about the earthquake and tsunami of 1960.
You will also find in the Lafkenche territory handicrafts associated to the ancestral clothing and daily items made of local materials. A notable example of the handicrafts are blankets made of wool and natural dyes, as well as pilwa (bags made of vegetal fibres such as chupon), baskets (llepü, chaywe, kilko) and handicrafts made of clay (ancestral Mapuche pottery).
The life of the Wenteche people is carried out around the valleys of the Araucania Region, bordered by the Pewenche to the East and the Lafkenche territory to the West.
The type of houses is associated to the Wenteche ruka, thatched with küna (local vegation), which are collected within the territory in mallin (wetlands), where this wild plant grows. Nowadays its presence is scarce due to lack of water.
The Wenteche cuisine is highly associated to cereals, mainly wheat (kachilla), as well as legumes, such as peas, beans, chickpeas, quinoa (kinwa), among others. With this, food and beverages are prepared such as muzay, mote, toasted meal, catuto (type of dough) and locro, which is mostly served aside typical dishes such as cazuela, barbecues, zimita and others. There are wild berries gathered by the Mapuche, such as maqui, boldo, michay, blackberries, rosehips and fungi, such as digüeñe and changle, which are added to dishes in order to create more nutritious flavours. Compared to other territories, the Wenteche region is characterised by intensive farming of cereals and honeybee.
In the Wenteche territory there are several recreational activities associated to the surrounding areas, such as horse riding, games of palin (ancestral Mapuche game), cart trips. In the forests of natural vegetation there are foxes, black vultures, rabbits, hares, partridge, and wild hogs. All of this comes together with historical accounts, mythologies and legends.
You will also find in the Wenteche territory handicrafts associated to the ancestral way of clothing and daily items made of local materials. A notable example of the handicrafts are blankets made of wool and natural dyes, trariwe for Mapuche women, as well as handicraft in clay (ancestral Mapuche pottery), carved items and ancestral Mapuche silver jewelry, with trapelakucha, chaway and trarilonko.
The Pewenche territory is located in the Andean Mountains, in the Araucania Region, Chile.
Its cuisine is based on the seeds or pine-nuts of the Araucaria (Pewen), a sacred tree. From its seed, products are made such as couscous, flour, jams, and ancestral beverages, among others. For the Pewenche people, the Araucaria is considered a sacred tree since it gave life to the first inhabitants that escaped from the war and because it is a medicinal tree. Due to the weather conditions, this territory has a more intact and even pre-historical nature.
The recreational activities in the Pewenche territory are hikes through pathways around the lake and mountains, expeditions to Batea Mawida hill (main touristic attraction of the sector), horse riding, cycling and canopy tours.
Normally accommodation takes place in cabins. During summer, camping is possible on higher areas, near the condors, where traditional stories (real accounts, mythologies and legends) are told by Pewenche families. Similarly there is an ample offer of cabins with ethnic architecture, which are managed by indigenous family businesses, which have been incorporating tubs and amusement parks during snow season.
The Pewenche territory is a zone to be visit all year round and each season has a different landscape. Snow can be enjoyed in winter and clear water lakes in spring and summer for those who love water.