«Today I look towards and I do not know how I have achieved it, I just thank God and the people who have always been supporting this long road».Gloria Sellao
Lodging: both in cabin and Ruka.
Mapuche Gastronomy: based on native products and homemade food for companies.
Recreational activities: such as walks, Palin, food course, among others.




Newen Ruka is a company, with more than 11 years in the field of Tourism, founded and directed by Gloria Sellao Rodríguez, a Mapuche woman belonging to the wenteche territory of the Araucanía region. He started working in Santiago, but always with the intention of returning to the South. Then he joined the Newen Keche network to work on a gastronomy course with a local identity taught by SERCOTEC at Funawe and thanks to this he combines Chilean gastronomy with the Mapuche and finally wins a ruka construction project from INDAP, which is where it currently serves its visitors.
It currently operates in conjunction with the tourism network Newen Keche and the Mapuche Chamber of Commerce A.G.
To get there you must follow the s-30 route from Temuco to tillage, then by the s-40 route through the city of new Imperial take the ruto s-16 north to Chol Chol until you reach the direction Hualacura km 8 1/2 with a total travel time of 1 hour 25 minutes.


+56 9 5315 3706