Touristic Routes


Many Mapuche Lafkenche believe that there was a battle between Tren Tren and Kai Kai, both powerful mythological beings in the form of serpents that dominated the land and the sea, respectively, provoking the various changes in the geography of the coastal territory throughout the centuries. existence of the Lafkeche people. On the other hand, this creation of Budi Lake can be scientifically explained by the earthquake of 1960, the most powerful earthquake humanity has seen, altering river courses and filling plains with columns of seawater. While there may be several visions what is clear is that in this place is the border where the «figth» between sea and land occurs, where the Lafkenche have known how to respect and understand the forces of nature.
On this route you will be able to experience the contrast between the Mapuche ancestral navigation and the more modern one with which you can enjoy the beauty of the natural environment where you will find a diversity of birds, in particular the black-necked swan. In addition, you can live the experience of knowing the land that was once cultivated and are now under water as is the case of Isla Llepo, that is why the lafkenche is a person very respectful of its territory, understands that the strength of nature can not be controlled by them, similar things you can hear in stories of the inhabitants of the territory, teachings of Mapuche philosophy and spirituality where you will learn the history of Budi Lake and its close connection with Mother Nature.

Day 1

The route begins with a delicious breakfast at the Margarita Restaurant located in the fishing cove of the beach of Puerto Saavedra, where you will taste lafkenche foods such as fried katuto, wheat coffee and pebre with local seaweeds.

Then you can visit Lake Budi and Isla Llepo through a guide by Yesica Huentén and her husband Héctor Vallejos. You must bear in mind that before entering the island, permission will be sought from the lake gnen through an ancestral petition and presentation of each of the tourists. Afterwards, the contrast between an ancestral Lafkenche ruka, contemporary dwellings and how the tourist potential of Llepo Island was growing will be visited and appreciated. At the end of this visit, you will be able to observe the history and vestiges of the island and Saavedra port, before and after the 1960 tsunami, which will make you travel through time and the most intimate memories of the territory.

Finally, you will be able to rest with a privileged view towards the sea, in the cabins of Mrs. Norma Railen, who offers a restful rest through a warm and homelike atmosphere with diverse elements typical of the Mapuche culture such as paintings, carvings, blankets , floors for beds, among others. Without losing sight of the fact that it is in a totally safe and risk-free place in case of some natural phenomenon.

Day 2

Carlos Díaz Nahuel will take you to know Budi Lake from a perspective of care, preservation and way of life with the nature that surrounds Budi Lake, through the Wampo, Mapuche ancestral vessel. This millenary activity is typical of the Lafkenche that inhabit the lake, where on the one hand, they allow them to sustain their daily life through fishing and, on the other hand, carry out navigation as a form of exploration and education about the care of the ecosystem. which opens the way to a process of interior transformation of the tourist.

Then, you will be able to know and taste the ancestral gastronomy of Mrs. Norma Huentén located in the Piedra Alta sector, where she offers Lafkenche dishes but also traditional dishes that incorporate vegetables that grow around the lake, a service she performs in an old Mapuche house. a ruka lafkenche, where you can disconnect your mind and enjoy those preparations, then around a stove you will enjoy a craft or mate accompanied by a conversation with the owners of the house.

Finally, you can take a souvenir in the Handicraft Shop of Yesica Huentén or in the Sales Workshop of Doris Báez located at the entrance of Puerto Saavedra, who produces high quality products in design and innovation applying traditional loom techniques with wool from 100% natural sheep Both facilities are found in natural aquatic environments, perfect for a photograph that will dazzle your circle of friendship.


This route will introduce you to the vision of the Mapuche Pehuenche based on the recognition and respect for the Gnen (spirits of nature) that govern the diverse ecosystems of the Andean zone, where you will find the flora and fauna that characterizes the territory such as the Araucaria, Volcanes and Cóndores, among others. In addition, you can learn about local crafts based mainly on textile and metal products, incorporating iconography, forms and meanings of the territory. For example, the Pewnches believe that a waterfall, along with all the vegetation around it, is governed by a spirit (Ngen) who has control over the forces developed there. With this vision, you will be invited to know different points of great energy where the different Ngen are present.

Day 1

The route begins in Temuco, but you go directly to Pucón and there you will be welcomed by Ana Quiñenao and Rosa Godoy who will receive you with a typical breakfast from the Pehuenche area, and there they will show you the crafts and will even make you participate in the design of some mapuche doll, initiative that was born from Ana inspired by her daughter and the ancestral artisans of the territory.

Then you can decide to know the natural environment in the area such as the volcano, the hot springs and lakes.

After that trip you can stay in the cabins of Viviana Gutiérrez located in the city of Villarrica and whose interior has elements of the Mapuche culture, and even if you want to start living the Mapuche culture in terms of accommodation you can request the cottage with architecture of ruka that they have there.


Day 2

The next day you will leave from Villarrica to Cunco, Melipeuco and Icalma where Carlos Catrileo will wait for you, who among other things will make you visit those places that for the inhabitants of the territory is sacred such as rivers, waterfalls, hills, millenary forests, under the modality of hiking, horseback riding and canopi.

Then a delicious lunch awaits you at the restaurant of Yoselin Pilquinao, whose specialty is dishes made from the fruit of the Araucaria (Ngilliu), where you will enjoy a unique dish in the world of a fruit that grows in natural adversity with properties healthy as for example being a gluten-free product. This fruit is born from the Araucaria tree is a tree that to become an adult takes 1000 years, so the Pehuenches believe that this tree is not only a tree but has knowledge about history and changes in the territory of many years .

At night you will receive Mrs. Elena Catrileo with cabins fully equipped to sleep and cook in the same room, although the most important thing has to do with the view that you can enjoy from there to Lake Icalma, mountains and ancient vegetation.



Kimün Zomo refers to the knowledge of Mapuche women, but in the broadest sense of the word, women as creators, as leaders and as agglutinators of the family. Given that, in the Mapuche family, men support the vision of family cohesion on the part of women, they assume a natural leadership role and therefore support cultural and commercial activities in each household. This is why the women’s knowledge route (kimun zomo) is born, where tourist attractions are designed mainly by Mapuche women entrepreneurs, who with effort and enthusiasm have been able to support their families thanks to economic activity, mainly associated with the craftsmanship and gastronomy, lately strengthened by tourism.

Day 1

Leonides Gonzales will welcome you in his cabins facilities to enjoy a rich breakfast with homey warmth and then be able to navigate the Chol Chol river in small boats (boats and kayak) and you can also visit various places of cultural significance in guided horseback riding.

On the other hand, Martin Paineo will offer education in the rules of Palin (Mapuche ancestral game) that was formerly used to resolve conflicts in the territory, an instance that will also make known the state of health, physical ability, the ability to strategy. In addition, he will offer you a delicious traditional mapuche lunch in his ruka led by his wife, where the products are cooked around a stove where you can also have deep conversations of the Mapuche worldview and language. At the end of the day, you can choose multiple accommodation alternatives:

Gloria Sellao with a welcome in her ruka and later resting in cabins with excellent infrastructure and equipment.

Fresia Lienqueo with her husband will welcome you in the wenteche Mapuche style and then lodge in facilities that fuse contemporary architecture with a ruka form.

Teresa Huilipan establishes protocols of accommodation according to the Mapuche vision in its reception to later deliver the keys of the cabins that incorporate jars for relaxation after a day full of activities.

Day 2

You can visit several artisans who make traditional Mapuche loom with sheep wool fabrics, who in addition to showing you the process of design and production of handicrafts, will invite you to meet the traditional food of the wenteche territory to enjoy a delicious meal and you can take a souvenir which you will find in the boutique ruka of Mrs. Silvia Painequeo. If you still want to find another type of craft, you can visit the shop of the Folil Araucanía cooperative, located in the portal mall of the city of Temuco where there is craft and gourmet of all the territories.